Implementation of the goals that have been laid out in the planning phase, while achieving planned milestones. In order to keep executing every activity according to the plan, it is important to track multiple key aspects of any product launch and benchmark them against the plan. Tracking of certain KPI’s will provide an overview over the overall progress of the plan. It is important to provide your teams with tools that would enhance their collaboration, list responsibilities and notify them when changes appear.


Tracking activities of the team

KPI's of your team

Managing team activities

Tracking activities of the team

Activity tracker
In the pharmaceutical industry the global launch of a new product is often launched sequentially to support pricing strategy. As you might already know, one local product launch can become complex and hard to administrate for the launch team, while in the meantime multiple other products are being launched in other markets. This may affect available resources across multiple project plans in different launch phases. In order to make this process more effective and simplified, LEA unlocks the possibility to get a complete overview across all project plans, while identifying issues and risks down to activity level.
The module comes with pre-defined project KPIs. You can create new KPIs as well to ensure the right focus in your organization.
Track timeliness on global, local or divisional level to spot and mitigate bottle necks.
Drill down
Dashboards and reports are responsive and allows the user to interact and drill down from global to activity level
The activity tracker provides a complete overview across products and areas. Drill down to identify and manage issues.
All reports and dashboards are customizable to support specific needs. New reports can be added as well.
Project plans are access restricted on area and product level. This can be used for confidentiality purpose as well as content limitation.
Spend tracker
Consolidate your launch fundings and spend across all products and areas with the spend tracker module. Now finance teams, affiliates and product managers can easily track budgets to avoid overspending, while ensuring completion of the activities. Every local project is connected to budget and spend, making it possible to track activity progress and its variances. This tracker also provides insights for best practices as it is possible to access historical funding, which if analyzed, might help you optimize the funding of future product launches.

All financial details such as WBS, GL account, cost centre can be applied on activity level to align with your ERP setup.
Integrations to ERP systems are supported to link the project plans to finance.
The spend tracker provides a complete overview across products and areas. Drill down to identify and manage issues.
The module comes with pre-defined project KPIs. You can create new KPIs as well to ensure the right focus in your organization.
All reports and dashboards are customizable to support specific needs. New reports can be added as well.
Budget and spend are access restricted on area and product level. This can be used for confidentiality purpose as well as content limitation.
Drill down
Dashboards and reports are responsive and allow the user to interact and drill down from global to activity level
Spend tracking
Procurement data can be allocated to activities automatically or manually. Track costs and progress collectively.

Spend tracker - Monthly

Spend tracker KPIs

Spend tracker - Actuals

Spend tracker - Monthly